Unlock The Power Of Your Mind, 

And Influence The Things That Matter Most To You

What if you could get out of your own way and live the life YOU choose!

Our decision-making is one of the most fundamental processes which can be affected by our internal state.  Our internal state can change many things about how we behave externally.

Stop blocking the flow of your brilliance, get out of your own way and open yourself up to the limitless opportunities that are waiting for you.  

I can help!

Harness the power of hypnosis, for a quick, effective, permanent change and live your life the way you choose and not the way it chooses for you!

I think there's like a moment where you're definitely hitting an identity crisis, having the personal and professional pressures, all accumulate to cause some overwhelm.  It was such an invaluable gift to work with Lorraine.  I definitely switch on a new gear and unlock new areas of my business and life. Nathan Ho

What Clients Are Saying!

In a very short period of time, Lorraine helped me not just to reset, but rewire.  The work I was put through helped me reach a relaxed state of mind, a constant state of awareness and the clarity needed to concentrate and make decisions.   I have always been resilient but now I am strong-willed with purpose.   I started to enjoy living in the moment, whatever the moment may be.  The methodology Lorraine used to help me rewire had a meaningful impact on me. The deep meditation exercises and the hypnosis were entirely new experiences for me. They have had a lasting effect. They are in me, providing the support required for a joyful life style. 

Claudio B.

Hi; I am Lorraine Thornhill, I am a Certified Professional Hypnotist and Coach.   I am on a mission is to help as many people as I can, restore  their personal power and talents by quickly and effectively rewriting limiting beliefs permanently.  I go to the source and create positive powerful belief driven behaviours that help you get unstuck, whether it be suffering from GUT disease or anxiety, or someone who wants to find balance and clarity.  I've got you, I can help!   I have worked with thousands of people around the world, including athletes, teachers, creatives, CEO's, and many more.  People of all ages (including youths) and diverse backgrounds.  My own journey has had it's challenges and those challenges motivated me to develop a divine drive for understanding.  That understanding and awareness has helped me guide so many others on their own journey to success. 

Who Am I

What Clients Are Saying!

Lorraine has made such a positive difference in my life, I’m not sure I can pinpoint which of her many talents created the biggest impact.  My first hypnosis session with Lorraine, I admit I was pessimistic, about abilities in general I had never considered to be tangible.  I will tell you now I am a believer.  Lorraine has coached me through a dense wet fog both personally and professionally.  I now have a great deal more clarity in what I sincerely consider to be important and how I want to share my talents with the world.  I am grateful that she has and continues to guide me in enhancing my self confidence, my beliefs and my own unconscious abilities. 

Kim S.

What I do for my clients...

I help my clients develop the clarity, energy, and influence to change their outcome while developing the skills,  confidence and identity to live and grow in a life of their choosing, instead of the way life has  chosen for them.  What I provide is an easy to follow program that takes clients from a place of being completely stuck, to a place of absolute clarity and understanding.  This is the catalyst that propels my clients into complete transformation.  


and open yourself up to the limitless opportunities that are waiting for you.

What Clients Are Saying!

Lorraine taught me a simple exercise to stop my thoughts and this technique has really worked for me day and night.   Lorraine also used hypnotic suggestions along with a guided meditation to give my unconscious mind the power to help me get to sleep at night – and guess what...it really worked!   I am now a total believer in the power of the mind.  Thank you Lorraine – you are a compassionate person and a total professional!

Rosanne B.

How I help my clients succeed?

Humans are driven by an inner yearning for growth, yet we often put up barriers that prevent us from reaching our full potential. This internal resistance can come in many different forms, such as the fear of change or feeling stuck without direction.

Our decision-making is one of the most fundamental cognitive processes which can be affected by our  internal resistance.  The relationship, or the communication between the conscious and unconscious drives our resistance, our beliefs, our fears and our emotional and intuitive behaviours.  

Hypnosis can internally change or rewrite our negative beliefs which can then change how we behave externally, creating extraordinary outcomes in all areas of our lives. 

Internal resistance is an invisible barrier that we all carry around with us.  The good news is, it is possible to overcome internal resistance and unleash our full potential.  

Hypnosis helps us break down the barriers that are holding us back!  

What Clients Are Saying!

Thank you for allowing me to feel so human. *I had so many words typed there but decided that one encapsulated all of them.* I honestly don't think I've ever had such an easily transparent conversation. After our first call, I felt like the walls I put up were a distant memory and truly felt warmth in my heart. You have been such an amazing mentor in my life.  I will focus on anchoring to the positive feelings in life and not absorbing negativity using the technique you showed me when I feel triggered. Thank you  truly, for listening and showing me love and light. 

Claire M.

What is your next step?

If you are willing to do what it takes and are ready for change, then this is for you.

If you have a desire to eliminate obstacles that are holding you back, then this is for you.

If you are coachable, curious and  want to excel to new heights, then this is for you. 

Click the link below and set up a time for you no-obligation FREE chat with me.  All calls are confidential.

What Clients Are Saying!

Past Life Regression - Many thanks for spending time with me the other day.  I found the experience of hypnosis very calming, and felt its relaxing effects for hours afterward.  I'd very much like to come back and go even further into Past Life Regression.

Jill W.

Hypnosis is not just about relieving the stress, anxiety and symptoms of what is troubling you, although you will feel better when it does. It is about really enhancing all your positive resources and creating your most fulfilling life ever.

What Clients Are Saying!

Business Owner

“The battle against cancer is two-fold. There is the physical one, but equally important is the mental one. I am so fortunate to know Lorraine. Her guidance and mediation has helped me tremendously throughout my treatments and her compassion and understanding has helped steer me mentally through my journey as well.  Lorraine is a very peaceful person to be around. Her personality allows you to open your heart and speak in confidence to her feeling assured that your information will not go any further. She has a wealth of knowledge to share.  I enjoy immensely getting together to meditate, and practice hypnosis  and I feel very blessed that she is in my life.”

Suzanne B.
